Estate & Trust Planning
Estate and Trust planning is more than having a will or a trust. Wills and trusts are just documents. These documents are only a means to an end. The value of the will or trust lies in the thought that went into it and the results they actually achieve. Estate and Trust planning done well is about developing a strategy and putting a plan in place that addresses your goals, aspirations and fears for you, the people you care about, and the things you have. It’s about keeping you in control of your affairs without outside interference while you’re alive and well and able to manage for yourself. Then as your health and circumstances change, it’s about passing along control to the person or people you designate along with instructions for how to administer your assets for the care of you, your spouse, and the people that are close to you. And after you’re gone, Estate and Trust planning done well is about giving what’s left to the person or people you want to have it, when you want them to have it, and in the way you want them to have it.
Casey Law Group is unique in its approach to Estate and Trust planning. Our process was painstakingly designed to flush out the details of what’s on your mind and in your heart as it relates to your goals, aspirations, and fears for the people you care about and the things that you own. Only after we are clear on these matters and have confirmed our understanding with you do we go about the business of creating documents. Our documents in themselves are unique. We take pride in the fact that they are written in plain English, are understandable, and communicate clearly.
Casey Law Group is also unique in the emphasis it puts on properly funding your estate plan. Funding is the legal term used to describe the process of aligning the ownership of your assets with the design of your estate plan. At Casey Law Group we are committed to the success of your estate plan and are unwavering in our belief that the success of your plan is directly tied to how well the plan is funded. We therefore go well above and beyond the industry standard for assisting you with the funding of your estate plan.
You will make a significant investment of time, emotion, and money in your estate plan. It would be a waste and a disappointment for your plan to fail you because it became outdated and stale. For this reason Casey Law Group offers a unique update and maintenance program designed to ensure that your plan is reviewed regularly and that it has kept up changes in your personal circumstances, changes in the law, and changes in the legal strategies relevant to you, your family, and your plan.
If you care enough to plan at all, care enough to plan well. Contact us or give us a call. We’d love to talk with you.