Video FAQs
Asset Protection Law
Are there things I can do to protect my existing business?
Do I have to employ asset protection for all types of assets?
Do I need a financial power of attorney?
How can a limited liability company provide me with asset protection?
Is it possible that I may need more than one LLC?
What is a domestic asset protection trust?
What is a personal residence trust?
What is tenants by the entirety?
What protection is available through a family limited partnership?
When should I start asset protection planning?
Why do I have to be careful about fraudulent transfer rules?
Would a living trust provide protection for my assets if I were sued?
Business Formation Law
Business Succession Planning
Estate Planning Law
Are there other ways of leaving property to my beneficiaries other than through a will or a trust?
Can I use my will to name a guardian to care for my young children and manage their property?
Does a will control all of my property?
Does all property have to go through probate when a person dies?
How can an estate plan make things easier on my family after I die?
If I create a revocable living trust, do I still need a will?
What does a proper estate plan include?
What happens if I become unable to care for myself?
What happens if you do not have a will or trust?
What is a health care power of attorney?
What is an irrevocable living trust?
What is an executor (personal representative) and what does the executor do?
What is included in my estate?
When is the right time to begin estate planning for myself?
Trust Administration
Wealth Transfer Planning
Can any attorney create a family wealth trust?
Can I transfer real estate into a family wealth trust?
How does a family wealth trust differ from a revocable living trust?
What is a family wealth trust?
What is the difference between having a will and a family wealth trust?
What is the difference between traditional estate planning and wealth planning?
Wills and Trusts Law
Can I leave my property to anyone I choose?
Can I make a provision in my will for my pets?
Can I use my will to name a guardian to care for my young children and manage their property?
Can my power of attorney make or change my will?
DO I need to name a trustee in my will?
Does an executor (personal representative) get paid?
Does the person named in the will as executor (personal representative) have to serve?
How can I leave specific items to particular people?
How does a revocable living trust avoid probate?
How is undue influence determined?
How often should my will be reviewed?
I made a will, but lived in another state. Now I live in Florida. What should I do?
If I become incapacitated, will I need a durable power of attorney if I already have a living trust?
If I die owing debts, who pays my debts?
If I make a living trust, do I still need a will?
Must I leave something to my spouse and children?
What are the signs of undue influence?
What benefits does a trust offer?
What does it mean to fund a trust?
What does testate and intestate mean?
What happens if I die without a will?
What if I become disabled and am no longer able to manage my affairs?
What is a durable power of attorney?
What is a testator and a testatrix?
What is incapacity or a lack of capacity?
What is the difference between a will and a trust?
What property does my will control?
Why should I make a living trust?
Will I still have control over my property if I have a living trust?